Course verview

The participant will gain knowledge on the fundamental tenets of MI The participant will practice reflective listening The participant will learn the changes of change

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a therapeutic technique designed to assist clients in their journey towards recovery. The technique originally was utilized by Social Work for substance use disorders but has demonstrated efficacy in other populations. Embedded with the techniques of MI are empathy, reflective listening, the clients own ambivalence, and appropriate questions. Learning the techniques of MI gives the client with a partner on their journey and provides for the stages of change so that positive change can take place, in client's own time.

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to your course -- Please read.

    2. View Pre-Video

    3. Review the slides

    4. View the main video training

    5. Confirmation

About this course

  • $25.00
  • 5 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content